Assurer une représentation authentique est d’une importance capitale si nous voulons que les histoires portées à l’écran soient plus respectueuses et plus fortes. Déterminer qui aura la possibilité de raconter telle ou telle histoire est un enjeu complexe qui nécessite beaucoup de collaboration et d’expertise.
financement | funding
The idea of change looks different for different people. For independent filmmakers, especially those who are struggling, a constructive change means more funds and opportunities for those who have been historically left out. To those previously and currently in positions of power, change could mean reform, or making minor structural tweaks rather than building foundations from scratch. It could also mean projecting a semblance of change, because real change would be far too risky for the status quo.
Le système de financement du cinéma africain est-il obsolète ? Claude Forest, enseignant-chercheur en économie et sociologie du cinéma, explique au micro de Marie Sorbier comment le cinéma africain est financé, et par qui.
We are pleased to announce the open call for this year’s IDA Enterprise Documentary Fund’s Production Grant with an addition to our application guidelines—that of authorship. The updated grant application will include questions about why the creative team is uniquely positioned to make the film, and their personal connection to the communities in which the story is about.
We will now be requiring all applicants to tell us about their connection to the story and to the specific communities of their projects. We are curious to learn about the type of collaboration that will happen between the creative team and the protagonist and are foregrounding questions around authorship and representation in our reviews.